Does IVF "fit" with your lifestyle?


If the global Wellness Economy is valued at $4.2 trillion, it tells me that there are are a lot of people interested in their health, nutrition, well-being, fitness etc. It's no wonder that many people say to me in clinic that they're not sure if doing IVF "fits" with their lifestyle. They don't know if they want to take synthetic hormones during an IVF cycle or they don't want to take drugs to stimulate their ovaries. They don't even take a panadol unless really necessary and not sure if this is what they want to do to have a baby or not?
My experience is a little unique in that I work with people struggling with this all of the time and I myself had to work through it when faced with our own fertility issues.
In this video I share with you more about what I hear people saying about their thoughts and concerns about doing IVF as well as what I worked through. 
Then I explain my 3 steps to help you feel confident in your decision, because ultimately that's what you want. If you decide to go ahead with fertility treatments you want to feel confident in that or if you decide it's not for you, then you want to move forward with confidence knowing why you decided it wasn't for you. Learn one of the most effective tools I've come across how to Fact Find, then learn about how to go about your own Self-Enquiry before the third and final step of Open Discussion.

If you're considering, planning, or preparing for your IVF cycle or fertility treatment then please make sure you download my Confidence Checklist. It's a free tool to help you feel sure that you're doing everything you can to help increase your chances of that positive pregnancy you dream of.


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